Internet resilience, IPv4 addresses and Internet history

Robbie Michell published an interesting study of the resilience of the Internet infrastructure in Bangladesh after a fire disrupted significantly Internet access in this country. This reminds us of the importance of having a diversity of Internet providers and infrastructure to serve a city or country.

The continued Internet growth puts pressure on IPv4 addresses. During the last few years, the cost of acquiring IPv4 addresses has increased steadily. A recent study indicates that we might have reached a plateau in the price of IPv4 addresses. Hopefully, this is because IPv6 is getting more widely deployed…

Looking back in the past, the end of October and the beginning of November have been important in Internet history. The paper that led the foundation for TCP/IP, A protocol for Packet Networking Intercommunication, co-authored by Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn, was submitted on November 5th, 1973, fifty years ago. Ten years later, Paul Mockapetris published RFC882, describing the basis for the Domain Name System. Five years later, on November 2nd, 1988, a worm started to spread over the Internet. This was the first of a series of an unfortunately too long list of security problems that have affected the Internet. Eugene Spafford, who analyzed the Internet worm, provides useful pointers on this important event.

If you seek networking resources, Matthew Caesar and his students have created a nice website that collects lots of pointers to software, courses, videos and other types of resources for networking students.

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Written on November 6, 2023