Illustrations for the next edition of the ebook

When the first edition of Computer Networking: Principles, Protocols and Practice was published, I quickly created a simple logo using keynote and hoped that someone would propose better ideas. Ten years later, the old log is still there…

With the new AI-based tools, it becomes simpler to create fancy drawings and logos. I spent a few minutes with Bing’s Dall-E and got two interesting ideas. The first one used the prompt : a poster to promote a book entitled “computer networking: principles, protocols and practice”. It features students and shows a large network.


The second one used a longer prompt: a poster to promote a book cover title “computer networking: principles, protocols and practice” and showing an internet service provider network with routers connected to switches and servers. The result is different.


I encourage the readers of this blog to explore other ideas and submit their best logo as a pull request on for inclusion in the next edition of the book. It could also be nice to have illustrations for the different chapters.

This blog aims at encouraging students who read the open Computer Networking: Principles, Protocols and Practice ebook to explore new networking topics. You can follow this blog by subscribing to its RSS feed or by following @cnp3_ebook on mastodon.

Written on October 24, 2023