Preparing for the 4th edition of Computer Networking - Principles, Protocols and Practice

The Computer Networking: Principles, Protocols, and Practice ebook continues to evolve in parallel with Internet technology. During the 2022-2023 academic year, UCLouvain experimented with a new way of organizing the teaching material. Instead of using a top-down or a bottom approach as most networking books do, we divided the course in two parts. The first part covers the protocols that are used by the endhosts and the network is considered as a black box. This part starts with the applications that the students already use. The second part focus on the network infrastructure with the routing protocols and the local area networks.

A new set of slides is available. They have been posted on slideshare:

The next step will be to rewrite the ebook to follow this new organisation of the teaching material.

Written on May 24, 2023